Serialization Library

group serialization_library

Serialization support using the cereal library.

Provides serialization functions for Tensor and Shape and convenience utilities.

Note the following guidelines for serialization:

  • By default you should use save/load pairs and explicit versioning. The provided macros encourage this usage.

  • Saving an object must not mutate it. save() being const helps, but be careful about Variable which is a shared_ptr to non-const.

  • Loading an object must provide the basic exception guarantee. After an exception, the object must be safe to destroy and no leaks can occur.

  • For simplicity, load() may assume that the initial state of the object is default-constructed. Conversely, one must only call load() on a default-constructed object.

  • Avoid serializing long, size_t, and Flashlight’s Dim since these types have platform-dependent sizes. Fixed-size types like int64_t are always fine. int, long long should be fine on virtually all platforms.



Convenience macro for specifying a simple serialization method for Cereal.

Serializes the specified arguments, usually class members. Should be placed in the private section of a class. For polymorphic classes, use FL_SAVE_LOAD_WITH_BASE instead.

Supports the common case when one adds fields to a class, which should be conditionally loaded for newer file versions. See fl::versioned().


Like FL_SAVE_LOAD, but also serializes the base class, which must be specified as the first argument.

NB: You do not need to use CEREAL_REGISTER_POLYMORPHIC_RELATION if you are using this macro. However you will still need CEREAL_REGISTER_TYPE.



Intended to reduce clutter in class definitions. This macro should be placed in the private section of a class. The method must be defined later (outside the class). Do not use this macro if you want your class to be unversioned.


template<typename ...Args>
void save(const fs::path &filepath, const Args&... args)

Save (serialize) the specified args to a binary file (via Cereal).

  • filepath – the file path to save to

  • args – the objects to save (e.g. shared_ptr to Module)

template<typename ...Args>
void save(std::ostream &ostr, const Args&... args)

Save (serialize) the specified args to a binary file (via Cereal).

  • ostr – output stream

  • args – the objects to save (e.g. shared_ptr to Module)

template<typename ...Args>
void load(const fs::path &filepath, Args&... args)

Load (deserialize) the specified args from a binary file (via Cereal).

  • filepath – the file path to load from

  • args – the objects to load (expects default-constructed)

template<typename ...Args>
void load(std::istream &istr, Args&... args)

Load (deserialize) the specified args from a binary file (via Cereal).

  • istr – input stream

  • args – the objects to load (expects default-constructed)

template<typename T>
detail::Versioned<T> versioned(T &&t, uint32_t minVersion, uint32_t maxVersion = UINT32_MAX)

Serialize an expression iff the version is in the given range (inclusive).

Only intended to wrap arguments of FL_SAVE_LOAD* macros.

Example: if we have field x in version 0, and add field y in version 1, we might write: FL_SAVE_LOAD(x, fl::versioned(y, 1)).

template<typename S, typename T>
detail::SerializeAs<S, T> serializeAs(T &&t)

Serialize an object of type T as another type S using static_cast on-the-fly.

Only intended to wrap arguments of FL_SAVE_LOAD* macros.

Example: FL_SAVE_LOAD(fl::serializeAs<double>(x))

template<typename S, typename T, typename SaveConvFn, typename LoadConvFn>
detail::SerializeAs<S, T> serializeAs(T &&t, SaveConvFn saveConverter, LoadConvFn loadConverter)

Serialize an object of type T as another type S using the provided conversion functions on-the-fly.

Only intended to wrap arguments of FL_SAVE_LOAD* macros.

Note: Technically, T will be a reference type; let T0 be the decayed type.

Example: please see tests/common/SerializationTest.cpp

  • t – object to be serialized

  • saveConverter – callable with signature S(const T0&)

  • loadConverter – callable with signature T0(S)