Example: Linear Regression, Perceptron

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to train a simple linear regression model in flashlight. We then extend our implementation to a neural network vis-a-vis an implementation of a multi-layer perceptron to improve model performance. We show how to use Modules, Datasets, Meters, and Optimizers in practice to reduce the amount of required boilerplate code for training.

This is meant to be a quick introduction to using flashlight for machine learning-related tasks; for the sake of simplicity, we do not use a validation set to measure performance.

Full code for the below examples can be found in examples/LinearRegression.cpp and examples/Perceptron.cpp.

Data Creation

We artificially generate data for this tutorial. Our input consists of 10000 samples of randomly-generated 10D vectors.

const int nSamples = 10000;
const int nFeat = 10;
auto X = fl::rand({nFeat, nSamples}) + 1; // X elements in [1, 2]
auto Y = /* signal */ fl::sum(fl::power(X, 3), {0}).T() +
    /* noise */ fl::sin(2 * M_PI * fl::rand({nSamples}));

Linear Regression

First, we initialize our model parameters (weight and bias) along with the number of epochs in training, and the learning rate for our Optimizer.

const int nEpochs = 100;
const float learningRate = 0.001;
auto weight = fl::Variable(fl::rand({1, nFeat}), true /* isCalcGrad */);
auto bias = fl::Variable(fl::full({1}, 0.0), true /* isCalcGrad */);

Now, run linear regression using stochastic gradient descent:

std::cout << "[Linear Regression] Started..." << std::endl;

for (int e = 1; e <= nEpochs; ++e) {
  Tensor error = Tensor::fromScalar(0);
  for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
    auto input = fl::Variable(X(fl::span, i), false /* isCalcGrad */);
    auto yPred = fl::matmul(weight, input) + bias;

    auto yTrue = fl::Variable(Y(i), false /* isCalcGrad */);

    // Mean Squared Error
    auto loss = ((yPred - yTrue) * (yPred - yTrue)) / nSamples;

    // Compute gradients using backprop

    // Update the weight and bias
    weight.tensor() = weight.tensor() - learningRate * weight.grad().tensor();
    bias.tensor() = bias.tensor() - learningRate * bias.grad().tensor();

    // clear the gradients for next iteration

    error += loss.tensor();

  std::cout << "Epoch: " << e
            << " Mean Squared Error: " << error.scalar<float>() << std::endl;

std::cout << "[Linear Regression] Done!" << std::endl;

// [LinearRegression] Started...
// Epoch: 1 Mean Squared Error: 847.404
// Epoch: 2 Mean Squared Error: 772.851
// Epoch: 3 Mean Squared Error: 704.999
// Epoch: 4 Mean Squared Error: 643.251
// ...
// ...
// ..
// Epoch: 97 Mean Squared Error: 18.4037
// Epoch: 98 Mean Squared Error: 18.3947
// Epoch: 99 Mean Squared Error: 18.3864
// Epoch: 100 Mean Squared Error: 18.3789
// [LinearRegression] Done!

Our regression model doesn’t perform well on this dataset; target is the result of a non-linear transformation of the input.

Multi-Layer Perceptron

Next, we implement and train a multi-layer perceptron. Here, we take advantage of abstractions on flashlight’s training pipeline: Modules, Datasets, Meters, and Optimizers, which greatly simplify our implementation and make it less error-prone.

Here, we create a TensorDataset to reduce boilerplate for iterating over samples:

TensorDataset data({X, Y});
const int inputIdx = 0, targetIdx = 1;

We compose components of the network into a Sequential container to easily keep track of parameters and take advantage of other abstractions:

// Model defintion - 2-layer Perceptron with ReLU activation
Sequential model;
model.add(Linear(nFeat, 100));
model.add(Linear(100, 1));
// MSE loss
auto loss = MeanSquaredError();

We create an SGDOptimizer, which eliminates repetitive code for parameter updates during stochastic gradient descent:

// Optimizer definition
const float learningRate = 0.0001;
const float momentum = 0.9;
auto sgd = SGDOptimizer(model.params(), learningRate, momentum);

AverageValueMeter helps to keep track of metrics while training:

// Meter definition
AverageValueMeter meter;

We’re ready to start training:

std::cout << "[Multi-layer Perceptron] Started..." << std::endl;

const int nEpochs = 100;
for (int e = 1; e <= nEpochs; ++e) {
  for (auto& sample : DatasetIterator(&data)) {

    // Forward propagation
    auto result = model(input(sample[inputIdx]));

    // Calculate loss
    auto l = loss(result, noGrad(sample[targetIdx]));

    // Backward propagation

    // Update parameters

  std::cout << "Epoch: " << e
            << " Mean Squared Error: " << meter.value()[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "[Multi-layer Perceptron] Done!" << std::endl;

// [Multi-layer Perceptron] Started...
// Epoch: 1 Mean Squared Error: 13.13
// Epoch: 2 Mean Squared Error: 2.58897
// Epoch: 3 Mean Squared Error: 2.10619
// Epoch: 4 Mean Squared Error: 1.84273
// ..
// ..
// ..
// Epoch: 97 Mean Squared Error: 0.817783
// Epoch: 98 Mean Squared Error: 0.819474
// Epoch: 99 Mean Squared Error: 0.8187
// Epoch: 100 Mean Squared Error: 0.813558
// [Multi-layer Perceptron] Done!